The docomomo canada ONTARIO Register and Gallery is an online database of buildings, sites, and neighborhoods of the modern movement in ONTARIO.
To find out more about any location on the map, click on the pin to reveal what the location is, then click on the location name to visit the Register or Gallery entry.
The mission of the Register is to provide a useful educational tool for the public, to promote the significance of threatened modern buildings and sites, and to foster the identification, local designation, and conservation of modern movement resources. The role of the Gallery is to highlight other modern buildings found throughout the province and promote an awareness of Modernism in general.
We document our data according to the DOCOMOMO International fiche format, which contains locational, historical, and evaluative information for each surveyed building or landscape. The docomomo canada ONTARIO register database and gallery will continually expand to become the comprehensive record of modern movement resources of the built environment in ONTARIO.