Rally Round Ontario Place

Waterfront Neighbourhood Centre 627 Queens Quay West, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Share your Ontario memories & visions, then let’s take action and make it happen! Speakers Include: Karen Carter, Museum Consultant Zahra Ebrahim, Public Interest Designer Ken Greenberg, Greenberg Consultants Inc. Mark Mattson, Swim Drink Fish Canada Supported by:  Waterfront for All & Park People

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Ontario Place: Building On Our Legacy

Harbourfront Centre, Brigantine Room 235 Queens Quay West, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Opened in 1971, Ontario Place was a project seeking to revitalize Toronto’s waterfront by creating a large urban park on a previously neglected segment of the shoreline. This multi award-winning project consists of 90 acres of man-made islands and lagoons, with the centerpiece of the complex being the five exhibition pavilions suspended high above the […]

Reimagining Ontario Place: Design Charrette

Toronto Central Grosvenor Street YMCA Centre 20 Grosvenor Street, Toronto, ON, Canada

Opened in 1971, Ontario Place was an innovative and unprecedented project seeking to revitalize Toronto’s waterfront by creating a large urban park on a previously neglected segment of the shoreline. This multi award-winning project consists of 90 acres of man-made islands and lagoons, with the centerpiece of the complex being the five exhibition pavilions suspended […]